Can AI replace utility location equipment?

Artificial intelligence is rapidly entering all areas of our lives, including complex areas and solving complex problems. Each of us has thought about whether AI can completely replace a person and do any job flawlessly?

But judging by the trends, the actual speed of AI spread in complex areas in which TECHNO-AC devices are used is not too high. If we are talking about finding pipes underground, then to successfully find them, AI must rely on accurate data about the location of the pipes, but often the data on the network is outdated, or even not at all trustworthy. But how long will we wait until AI is so developed that it can check the data or someone will make a special selection of the "correct" coordinates?

The wait may be prolonged, but problems are already arising. Therefore, to search for underground communications, it is best to use proven TECHNO-AC equipment for searching cables and pipes.

One of the most popular models on the market - Success AG-309.15N searches for communications at a depth of up to 10 meters! Our device relies on real-time data and produces accurate results. If in doubt, write to our email [email protected] and we will answer all your questions.

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