Simplicity is the trademark of genius! This is why our water leak detector is so simple

Leaks in pipelines can cause property damage, promote mold growth, jeopardize human safety, waste precious resources and increase utility bills. Early detection plays an important role in preventing repair costs. Fortunately, acoustic leak detection is a proven approach that uses specialized acoustic sensors sensitive enough to pick up noise caused by leaks.

When liquids leave a confined space, they make a sound. The medium oscillates, and sensors located above the leak record these oscillations. These oscillations have a specific frequency that the receiver detects and can filter out from other sounds. This method of finding leaks is very simple, but at the same time effective.

Our AD-257 acoustic sensor that is the part of Success AT-407N water leak detector has high sensitivity, the same as the portable ADM-227 sensor, that can be added to the set as an accessory.

Audio signals require filtering, since unwanted noise, such as car sounds, can interfere with the process. The receiver filters the frequency and picks up only those sounds that are needed. Acoustic leak detection is an easy and environmentally friendly way to find leaks. The device is based on a simple principle and does not require special knowledge. Such a device is safe for the environment, as it does not damage pipes and does not require complex installation procedures.

You can buy our water leak detector Success AT-407N by simply emailing us at [email protected].

Hope to see you soon!

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